Conditions for the provision of AOC services
In this document you will find the latest version of the general and specific conditions for the provision of AOC Services with the date of approval by the Executive Committee of the AOC Consortium.
You will find the previous versions in the section Previous versions of the web.
General conditions
General conditions for the provision of AOC Services 29/06/2023
Specific provision conditions
Certain services, given their particularities, additionally have specific conditions of provision. In case of doubt or discrepancy between the general and specific conditions, the specific conditions prevail.
In this section you will find the latest version of the specific conditions with their approval date by the Executive Committee of the AOC Consortium.
You will find the previous versions in the section Previous versions of this website.
Relations with the citizenry
- Specific conditions for providing the service Decidim Catalunya 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TRAM service 31/01/2024
- Specific conditions of the FUE Local service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions for provision of the e-NOTUM service 19/06/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-FACT service 1/12/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of Open Government services 31/01/2024
- Specific conditions of the service Represents 19/06/2024
Internal Management
- Specific conditions for providing the Via Oberta service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-VALISA service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ERES service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions of the service Unified Register 13/03/2019
- Specific conditions for the provision of the iArxiu service 19/12/2019
- Specific conditions for the provision of the Hèstia service 19/06/2024
- Specific conditions of the COPY service 13/03/2019
- Specific conditions for the provision of the EACAT service 16/12/2020
- Specific conditions of provision of the service Communication address data 20/12/2012
Electronic signature and security
- Specific conditions for the provision of the digital certification service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER T-CAT service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER idCAT service 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions of the idCAT service - mobile 30/03/2023
- Specific conditions for the provision of the Validador service 8/11/2012
- Specific conditions for the provision of the Time Stamp service 8/11/2012
- Specific conditions for the provision of the Centralized Signatory service 4/10/2012
- Specific conditions of the service VALID 10/12/2024
- Specific conditions of the service Portasignatures 13/03/2019
Change management
Download services from the AOC Consortium
If you are a user of one of the services of the AOC Consortium and you want to communicate your cancellation request to us, do so through the “Service cancellation request” procedure of the “Termination of service” service that you will find in the “Procedures” section, “AOC Consortium” provider
Doubts or questions
Have a problem or query? Contact the Customer Service Center (CAU) of the AOC Consortium.
If there are any, in this section you will find the previous (non-current) versions of the specific conditions for the provision of AOC services with their date of approval by the Executive Committee of the AOC Consortium.
General conditions
The list of previous (non-current) general conditions is as follows:
- General conditions for the provision of AOC Services 13/10/2021
- General conditions for the provision of AOC Services 19/12/2019
- General conditions for the provision of AOC Services 13/03/2019
- General conditions for the provision of AOC Services 22/06/2015
- General conditions for the provision of AOC Services 13/11/2013
Specific provision conditions
The list of previously valid specific service conditions is as follows:
- Service We decide
- eTRAM service
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TRAM service 23/03/2022
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TRAM service 01/10/2021
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TRAM service 19/12/2019
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TRAM service 13/03/2019
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TRAM service 10/06/2016
- Local FUE service
- e-NOTUM service
- Specific conditions for provision of the e-NOTUM service 14/12/2022
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-NOTUM service 16/12/2020
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-NOTUM service 19/12/2019
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-NOTUM service 13/02/2019
- Specific conditions of provision of the e-NOTUM Service 5/7/2012
- e.FACT service
- Open Government Services
- Specific conditions for the provision of Open Government services 23/03/2022
- Specific conditions for the provision of the SEU-e, Transparency and e-BOARD service 13/10/2021
- Specific conditions for the provision of the SEU-e, Transparency and e-BOARD service 18/06/2020
- Specific conditions for the provision of the SEU-e, Transparency and e-BOARD service 28/11/2018
- Specific conditions for the provision of the SEU-e, Transparency and e-BOARD service 15/10/2015
- Specific conditions for the provision of the SEU-e and e-TAULER services 4/10/2012
- Specific conditions for the provision of the e-TAULER service 4/10/2012
Internal Management
- Open Via Service
- ERES services
- Unified Registration Service (MUX)
- iARCHIVE service
- HESTIA service
- COPY service
- EACAT service
Electronic signature and security
- Digital certification service
- ER T-CAT service
- ER idCAT service
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER idCAT service 24/01/2024
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER idCAT service 30/03/2023
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER idCAT service 20/05/2022
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER idCAT service 17/03/2021
- Specific conditions for the provision of the ER idCAT service 23/06/16
- Mobile idCAT service
- VALID Service
- Service Represents
Change management
- eSET service
- Specific conditions of the e-SET service - Annex I and II (includes details of public prices)
- Specific conditions of the e-SET service - Annex III - e-SET Work Model
- Specific conditions of the e-SET service - Annex IV - User manual
- Specific conditions of the e-SET service - Annex V - Proposal of functionalities of an e-SET manager
Public certification service prices (SCD)