- Open administration
Miquel Estapé, new director of the AOC
The XNUMXst eMunicipis Electronic Administration Conference, organized by the eMunicipis office of the Diputació de Girona, has been the framework chosen to present the new #eSET governance model offered by the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia in collaboration with the delegations The day brought together public workers involved in the digital transformation of their bodies and who stand out for their pro activity and progress with learning communities.
The session was opened by Jordi Xargay, deputy representative of Road Network and New Technologies, who, together with the director of the AOC, Astrid Desset, and the secretary-interventor of the Celrà City Council, Meritxell Vargas, participated in the round table "A door to the supra-municipal universe".
Next, the head of the e-SET service, Gemma Varona he gave a brief introduction of the main features of the e-SET model and then explained the new e-SET governance model that will be built with the collaboration and support of the councils. This new collaborative project will entail three main challenges:
In the current phase of data collection, visits will be scheduled with the local entities that went through the implementation with the aim of analyzing how they are compared to the original e-SET model. The data and conclusions obtained will not be published or transmitted but will be used for the collaborative creation of the new governance model.
In short, it will be given greater flexibility and a more global scope so that it becomes a new management model that adapts to the current situation of Catalan public administrations with the ultimate goal of offering a better service to the citizenry
The day also presented the learning communities organized in four round tables in which the people participating in their respective communities explained their experience, the goals achieved and the challenges for the future. Specifically, these tables dealt with:
To finish, the workshop "Active thinking for the joint resolution of daily problems" was held, with Jordi Castanyer i Dani Rodríguez, from the eMunicipis team.