In the consultation of the data of the certificate of income 2020 has detected a high answer of the result “holder unidentified”, that has led us to contrast this situation with the AEAT.
The tax administration has confirmed that the answer "Unidentified holder" occurs for two different reasons:
- Lack of correspondence between the DNI and NIE data with the names and surnames of the holder consulted (the most common cause): To validate the identification of the holder and return their tax data, the AEAT has established a filter or "Similarity threshold required" that validates the correspondence between DNI and NIE data + names and surnames consulted , and those listed in its database, which can lead to the following situations:
- That this threshold is exceeded, as there is no discrepancy between the data entered, or that it is so small (small differences or typographical errors…) that they can also exceed it, producing a correct identification of the holder and the return of their tax data .
- That this threshold is not exceeded due to the existence of a discrepancy between the data entered, which implies a lack of validation of the identification of the holder consulted and the return of the message “Unidentified holder”.
- It has been found that this required threshold is much stricter in the case of NIEs.
- The holders consulted are not included in the AEAT census: The second case that may lead to this result of "Unidentified holder" is that the person consulted does not appear in the census of the AEAT. The most significant cases are those of people who have recently done the documentation (DNI and NIE) and have not yet been incorporated into the AEAT census.
How to reduce this casuistry?
- In the first case, “incongruent data or data that do not exceed the required similarity threshold”:
- Considering that for the AEAT the correct data are those that appear exactly in the DNI / NIE, check that in the consultation the NIF or NIE and the name and surnames of the holder to be consulted have been entered correctly with:
- the data contained in your identification document, or
- if it has the authorization of the holder, through a consultation with the General Directorate of Police (DGP).
- In case of confirming the discrepancy between the data recorded and those resulting from the verification, it will be necessary to make a subsequent consultation of the income certificate with the correct data, derived from the validation of your DNI / NIE or consultation with the DGP.
- In the second case, "not appearing in the tax census":
- The AEAT informs us that regular processes of updating the AEAT census are carried out, with automatic registrations based on the information provided by the Ministry of the Interior, for the incorporation of holders of new identity documents issued by DGP, or either by updating the census each time they receive a submission of a statement or a query about a DNI / NIE not included in the census, after confrontation with the DGP.
- For this reason, it is recommended that if you receive a response from "Unidentified" and you are sure that the identifying data is correct, repeat the consultation after a reasonable time to see if the census has been updated.