The AOC's User Service Center maintains excellent in the 2023 ratings
During 2023, the AOC User Service Center broke a new service record: it received more than 92.000 support requests in all the channels available to citizens and public administration staff, surpassing the more than 70.000 requests in 2022, and maintaining the high level of user satisfaction.
The average rating of the CAU is excellent, above 9.
The attention of CAU support gets excellent ratings
The CAU received 52.000 calls in 2023 of which 96% were taken care of. Of the total number of calls attended, 89% of these calls were hung up within 20 seconds of waiting. In addition, it should be noted that more than 4.000 outgoing calls have been made ex officio to speed up the resolution of requests.
The telephone service is evaluated through a short question on a scale of 1 to 5 at the end of the call with an average of 4,8 out of 5, maintaining the good mark of the previous year and a high participation in the surveys
The satisfaction surveys that are sent at the end of handling a support request show that 80% of people who use the AOC support service are very satisfied or satisfied with the service received.
New inquiry channels
The preferred channel for contacting the AOC's support service is the web form, used in 39% of requests, followed by the telephone, with 36%. In the summer, the WhatsApp channel was implemented in the idCAT Mobile service, which accounted for 7% of requests. In addition, from the Support Portals a virtual assistant helps you find your solution and can refer you to a live chat with one of our agents.
It has also been made available to the two public administration portals, e-NOTUM i T-CAT, a user forum to be able to share knowledge with other users of the services.
From the support team we want to thank you! We look forward to continuing to improve alongside you in 2024.