Alert channel

Apply for service


Allows to facilitate an alert channel with guarantees for alerting persons and to ensure institutional integrity and good governance

A secure and confidential channel that will allow:

Improve good management

Contributing thus to promoting the improvement of the public service through good governance and strengthening the performance of public servants

Secure, confidential and anonymous

It offers a communication space to facilitate information without suffering reprisals and with security guarantees

Strengthen trust in the institution

Improve democratic quality and citizens' trust in their institutions



Turnkey, in the cloud and constantly updated with AOC support


It makes it easier for any person or public servant to provide information, without suffering reprisals


It is formulated as a country solution, based on free software, at no cost to the entities and with support thanks to the Network of Open Governments of Catalonia


It is configured in a very easy to use and parameterizable by the entities


It allows to have evolutions and common improvements for all the territory


Integrated with AOC services

We accompany you in this digital leap

Digital transformation is inevitable, but we know that it is not at all easy to throw yourself into a vacuum. That is why, from the AOC, we will be by your side at all times to make the most of this jump and enjoy it together


Courses, tutorials and seminars that will help you to start the service

Method and best practices

Do not force the citizen to travel to the Post Office because the postman has not found it at home

Support center

Continuous support from the AOC in order to make the leap together. If you need it, we will be there to help you

Inseparable companions of the service

You will get more benefit from the service thanks to its integration with the following services

Integration of identity services

Easily use your certificates in the service thanks to VÀLid

Logo eTRAMa

Electronic procedures addressed to the citizenry

Electronic processing saves time and money, the service is an independent module of the eTRAM.

Ready to make the jump?

Transforming the Administration needs brave people to take a step forward. Cheer up and throw yourself, we guarantee you a 100% safe landing.

* See the Conditions of provision of this service