- Electronic contracting
- Integration
Modifications to the PSCP integration service
The e-NOTUM service that the AOC makes available to Catalan public administrations for the creation and management of electronic notifications, is finalizing preparations to move entirely to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, which will culminate in the next one November 30 with its transition to production.
This migration is part of the strategic plan for cloud transformation of AOC services started in 2022 and through which the migration to the cloud of different services of the AOC has been carried out; such as PSIS, VÀLid, ERES and DESA'L. This process aims to promote the digital transformation of the AOC to guarantee the quality of the services it offers.
The past November 15, the e-NOTUM service has moved its CORE and pre-production public employee portal to the AWS cloud, and at the end of the month, the move to production will be made.
With this migration, the e-NOTUM service is incorporated into a global infrastructure that incorporates operational efficiency as its main benefit, as well as a quality service and trust for users and customers.
The migration of the service will be completed next 30 November of 7 to 13 hours, in which a service cut will occur: e-NOTUM will not be available neither through web services, nor through public employee (EACAT) or citizenship environments. This implies that notifications cannot be generated, consulted or practiced, nor can evidence be consulted or downloaded.
From e-NOTUM, this service interruption has been reported on both the citizenship portal and the public employee portal, for two weeks, with a pop-up window that appears automatically when accessing any page of the e-NOTUM.
IMPORTANT: The migration is transparent for integrators, but firewalls will need to be reviewed to ensure that the following IPs (used when sending callbacks):
In this regard, the AOC has carried out the connectivity analysis from AWS to each of the URLs callbacks of e-NOTUM and we have detected that some do not have connectivity due to different cases. You can check if any of your urls are in this situation at the relationship of entities with connectivity problems.
We remain at your disposal to resolve any doubts, through the AOC support center.