- Electronic notification
e-NOTUM: Only 2 months left until messaging 3.0 is discontinued, if you're still using it, switch to 4.0
The e-NOTUM service that the AOC makes available to Catalan public administrations for the creation and management of electronic notifications, is finalizing preparations to move entirely to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. This migration is part of the strategic plan for cloud transformation of AOC services started in 2022 and through which the migration to the cloud of different services of the AOC has been carried out; such as PSIS, VÀLid, ERES and DESA'L. This process aims to promote the digital transformation of the AOC to guarantee the quality of the services it offers.
This November, therefore, the e-NOTUM service will move its CORE and the public employee portal to the AWS cloud, thus culminating its migration to AWS that had begun last February , with the migration of the citizenship portal.
With this migration, the e-NOTUM service is incorporated into a global infrastructure that incorporates as benefits:
This change not only improves operational efficiency, but also ensures quality and reliable service for users and customers.
La migració del servei culminarà:
Durant la intervenció a PRO, el servei d’e-NOTUM no estarà disponible ni a través dels serveis web, ni a través dels entorns d’empleat públic (EACAT) ni de ciutadania. Això implica que no es podran generar, ni consultar ni practicar notificacions, ni tampoc consultar o descarregar evidències.
We suggest that, as far in advance as you deem appropriate and during the affected period, you notify of this technical stoppage to your e-Headquarters, and to your corporate website in similar terms, as well as to all internal users of the tool .
At citizen level, with a minimum of fifteen days before the service cut, a pop-up window will appear with a message automatically when accessing any page of the e-NOTUM. Likewise, we will also incorporate a message in the environment of the public employee (EACAT).