- Electronic notification
Update e-NOTUM to version 4.0
The next one 16 of December the integration between the e-NOTUM platform and the DEHÚ, the Single Enabled Electronic Address in its Spanish acronym, will take effect. This integration implies that all notifications and communications generated via e-NOTUM (except those of the Generalitat de Catalunya and its public sector) will be able to be consulted by citizens and companies through an appearance via seu-e (accessing the e-NOTUM citizenship portal) or through an appearance on the DEHÚ platform.
You can check the list of entities that will be integrated into the Dehú and those that will be left out, where they are grouped by:
This integration, transparent for service users and integrators, will only mean enabling an additional channel of access to notifications by the recipients of the same, thus providing a benefit for citizens and companies and increasing the odds of open notifications on time. The integration does not include the recovery of the notifications deposited in DEHÚ, therefore it is a one-way integration.
This integration will fulfill the obligation of local administrations to integrate with the Single Enabled Electronic Address (DEHÚ) as one of the requirements to access the funds Next Generation.