Analyze the situation of your institution in local public integrity:
Organization and good governance
The organizational model and culture, management and planning tools and the fit of integrity instruments are relevant aspects of analysis
Integrity instruments
The provision and implementation of public integrity tools at the institution are key to the integrity system
Risk management
Risk analysis and its application and monitoring is a central element of integrity management
The self-assessment is grouped into two large blocks, which contain different assessments that can be carried out individually.
Integrity modules: evaluation of integrity in the organization. It makes it possible to analyze the general situation of the entity in terms of integrity and good governance with a view to implementing or improving its own institutional integrity system. It is interesting to have a global view of the organization in terms of public integrity.
Risk assessment: allows to assess the risks to the integrity in five management areas of the entity. It makes it possible to anticipate the degree of vulnerability and to put in place actions that minimize the probability that they materialize.
Integrity modules
Culture of public integrity
Organizational culture, behaviors and results of institutional action
Integrity system
Organization, leadership and instruments of an integrity system
Transparency and active advertising
Management of transparency and publications
Conflict of interest
Knowledge, management and actions around the conflict of interest
Self-assessment of risks according to subject
Risks to integrity in procurement
Risks to the integrity of subsidies
Risks to integrity in urban management and planning
Economic and patrimonial management
Risks to integrity in economic and patrimonial management
Risks to integrity in the management of human resources
We accompany you in this digital leap
Digital transformation is inevitable, but we know that it is not at all easy to throw yourself into a vacuum. That is why, from the AOC, we will be by your side at all times to make the most of this jump and enjoy it together
Courses, tutorials and seminars that will help you to start the service
Method and best practices
Do not force the citizen to travel to the Post Office because the postman has not found it at home
Support center
Continuous support from the AOC in order to make the leap together. If you need it, we will be there to help you
Inseparable company
You will get more benefit from the service thanks to its integration with the following services
Integration of identity services
Easily use your Decidim Catalunya certificates thanks to VALID
A secure and confidential channel
It guarantees institutional integrity and good governance
Ready to make the jump?
Transforming the Administration needs brave people to take a step forward. Cheer up and throw yourself, we guarantee you a 100% safe landing.