- Integration
- Electronic processing
Changes in Messaging Represents: Implications for Integrators
The Electronic Register of Powers of Attorney offered by the AOC Consortium, until now, only allowed the registration of representations without attached documentation, when it was at the request of the power of attorney, with the subsequent acceptance of the representative. From now on, it will also be allowed to create registrations at the request of a representative without accompanying documentation (with subsequent acceptance of the proxy) both from the employee portal and from the citizenship portal.
This new functionality will make it possible to expand the representations that can be registered without attached documentation, while avoiding the inconveniences caused by the need to attach documentation that endorses the representation (as before): document format, validation time, difficulty in verifying authenticity, etc.
The representative may request the registration of a representation and it will not be necessary to attach documentation. This way,
This new functionality will save time and inconvenience, both for citizens (when attaching the documentation in the correct electronic format) and for public administrations (when reviewing the attached documentation).
This functionality was operational at the level of integration since last June, and will now also be possible from the portals, starting next Wednesday, October 11.
You can consult the specific operation at: "How do I apply for registration for a performance?"