During the year 2023 we received 3.647 registration requests for the AOC Services, similar to the 3.675 that entered in 2022, highlighting that the management period has been reduced from 8 days in 2022 to 5 days in 2023 This fact represents a management time much lower than the 15 days committed to our General Terms and Conditions for the provision of services.
It should be noted that in February 2023, a new Via Oberta registration management model was implemented that allows us to manage all the authorizations requested by an entity in a single request.
Thus, the 1.076 Via Oberta registration requests received, which represent more than 30% of the total, group together 1.765 authorizations, which leads to greater efficiency in the management of registrations.
Of the other services, the large-scale implementation of the Ethics Mailbox service (now the Alerts Channel) and the increase in requests and modifications to the Portasignatures stand out.
We want to thank you for your trust in AOC services! We work to manage registrations as quickly as possible and at the same time without losing sight of quality.