Seu-e, Transparency and open data

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Quick access to public information, transparency and reuse of data.

A set of Open Government services to make administration more open and transparent

Electronic office

It makes it easier for you to have a "secure door" to the

your electronic services

Portal of Transparency

It helps you to comply with the Law of

Transparency with a standard in the territory

Open Data

It makes it easier for you to publish your data

in open and reusable formats


they use it for us

38 million


The following iframe contains a report developed with Microsoft's Power BI tool. This report shows the level of use of the transparency portal by Catalan bodies, at a global level and by type of body (councils and EMDs, county councils, deputations and dependent bodies).Show current data->


Electronic office

Lock icon


It ensures the legal obligations regarding the contents and characteristics of an electronic headquarters


It is configured under a very simple solution to use, and parameterizable by the entities

Wheelchair icon


Meets accessibility and usability requirements

Portal of transparency


Systematic, clear and complete solution for compliance with the Transparency Law

Open data


It facilitates the publication of municipal data in open format in a self-managed manner


Facilitates administrative work with a degree of content automation close to 50%


It allows you to have common municipal data sets for the whole territory


It is based on a country solution, free of charge and with support at all levels thanks to the Network of Transparent Governments

Mon icon

Global enviroment

It advances in the syndication of data from the local world with the open data platform of the Generalitat de Catalunya

We accompany you in this digital leap

Digital transformation is inevitable, but we know that it is not at all easy to throw yourself into a vacuum. That is why, from the AOC, we will be by your side at all times to make the most of this jump and enjoy it together


Courses, tutorials and seminars that will help you to start the service

Method and best practices

Do not force the citizen to travel to the Post Office because the postman has not found it at home

Support center

Continuous support from the AOC in order to make the leap together. If you need it, we will be there to help you

Inseparable colleagues in Open Government services

You will get more out of Open Government Services if you complement it with the following services

EACAT logo

Inter-administrative processing

Because via the "Generic Submission" it facilitates the referral of requests on issues of transparency between us

Processing with the citizenry
and companies

Because it allows you to have a wide range of procedures, including the Application for the Right to Access Public Information

Logo eTauler

Notice board and edicts

Because it allows you to publish electronic edicts in your e-Office

Ready to make the jump?

Transforming the Administration needs brave people to take a step forward. Cheer up and throw yourself, we guarantee you a 100% safe landing.

* See the Conditions of provision of this service