Methodology of the
Acknowledgments Open Administration
This annual evaluation study, a pioneer in Europe, requires a great effort and exercise of transparency on the part of the AOC Consortium
To which administrations are they granted?
The Open Administration Recognitions are awarded to the local administrations of Catalonia that are being digitally transformed more and better. Specifically, we evaluate the 947 Catalan councils and 42 county councils and do so by analyzing the main indicators of digital and open governments, based on objective data.
The awards are divided into seven categories:
- Councils of 1 to 500 inhabitants
- Councils of 501 to 1.000 inhabitants
- Councils of 1.001 to 5.000 inhabitants
- Councils of 5.001 to 20.000 inhabitants
- Councils of 20.001 to 50.000 inhabitants
- Councils with more than 50.000 inhabitants
- County Councils
How do we evaluate digital transformation?
The Open Administration Recognitions are awarded based on the score obtained in the Digital Maturity Index, which is calculated annually. The Digital Maturity Index assesses the three most important dimensions of the digital transformation of local administrations:
- Implementation of digital services that allow citizens to exercise their digital rights.
- Activity of the digital services of processing with the citizenship, internal management and interoperability.
- Implementation of the principles of open government.
To know the degree of implementation of the digital services and the principles of open government in one we analyze your website to check if it contains certain items:
- If they have e-headquarters / transparency, contractor profile, citizen folder, open data, digital administration regulations, etc.
THEactivity of digital administration carried out by an entity (procedures, notifications, interoperability queries, tenders, invoices, etc.) we obtain it from the following sources:
- Use of AOC services (e-TRAM, e-NOTUM, Via Oberta, e-Licita, e.FACT, EACAT procedures,…). You can consult the source of information at:
- Information provided by the entity itself or by the market company providing services to the entity (for cases where AOC services are not used)
- In these cases the information provided is contrasted.
With this information we develop indicators that allow us to give a reliable picture of the digital services offered by local bodies in Catalonia to society as a whole, as well as to measure their degree of digital transformation.
The indicators obtained are represented graphically and interactively through a web application, so that the town councils and county councils can review them and send us their relevant doubts and / or observations. See the indicators of the Digital Maturity Index 2023.
What indicators are analyzed and what do we measure?
Digital rights
- Citizen folder. If it is available to us from the citizen folder.
- Municipal search engine. If it is available to us as a search engine on your municipal website.
- Online instance. If the us has a generic instance to do procedures online.
- Online census. If you allow us to carry out interoperability queries on your register.
- Cartographic viewer. If you have a cartographic viewer on the municipal website.
- Urban Viewfinder. If it is available to us from the town planning viewer on the municipal website.
- ERidCAT. If the us is an idCAT registration entity.
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). If it is available to us from the Business Single Window.
- MUX. If the system is integrated with the MUX Register service of the AOC.
- Hub citizen folder. If it is integrated with El meu espai.
- Mailbox Accessibility. If we have an electronic processing mailbox for accessibility issues.
- Seal Accessibility. If an accessibility statement has been published on the municipal website.
- ENI compliance. If the e-administration platform has an ENI compliance certificate.
- Compliance ENS. If the electronic administration platform has a certificate of compliance with the ENS on the website of the National Cryptographic Center.
- Regulatory ordinance. If it has been approved by an electronic administration ordinance.
- Vulnerability cyber security. Score of the Vulnerability Level calculated by the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia.
- Own ENS certificate. If the local entity has a certificate of compliance with the ENS on the website of the National Cryptographic Center.
- Data Protection Officer. If the data protection representative has it and has communicated it to the APDCat.
- It represents. If it is available to us from the power of attorney register.
- Input digitization. Percentage of electronic tickets with respect to the total number of tickets.
- Output digitization. Percentage of electronic exits with respect to the total number of exits.
- Internal e-signatures. Ratio of public worker signatures with respect to the number of entries.
- Open Consultations. Ratio of consultations carried out in Via Oberta per inhabitant.
- Open Road Services. Percentage of active Via Oberta services compared to the mandatory.
- E-tenders. Percentage of electronic tenders for open contracts with respect to the total.
- Publications in the Contractor Profile. Rate of publications on the contractor's profile per inhabitant.
- Publications in the Register of Contracts. Rate of publications in the public register of contracts per inhabitant.
- Automated Administrative Actions. If it has been published by a rule that regulates automated administrative actions.
Open Government
- Compliance with transparency. Score received in Infoparticipa.
- Open Data. If you publish your own open data to us.
- Citizen participation. Number of citizen participation processes by electronic means carried out by the entity.
- Transparency portal. If you provide us with a transparency portal.
- Electronic board. If you have an electronic bulletin board.
- Alert channel. If we have an internal alert channel.
- Access to public information. If we have a specific electronic procedure for requests for access to public information.
- Performance of accounts. If you have sent us your accounts to the Audit Office within the established period.
How do we score and weigh?
Each indicator is assigned a maximum score based on its importance. The following details how the score of each of the indicators is obtained:
Digital rights
- Citizen folder. 2,44 points if we have it and 0 points otherwise.
- Municipal search engine. 1,63 points if we have it and 0 points otherwise.
- Online instance. 4,07 points if he offers it to us and 0 points otherwise.
- Online census. 4,07 points if he offers it to us and 0 points otherwise.
- Cartographic viewer. 0,81 points if we have it and 0 points otherwise.
- Urban Viewfinder. 0,81 points if we have it and 0 points otherwise.
- ERidCAT. 2,44 points if the institution is a registration entity and has issued idCAT certificates during the index calculation year, and 0 points otherwise.
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). 1,63 points if you offer us the maximum number of procedures and the proportional score otherwise.
- MUX. 2,44 points if the system is integrated with MUX Registry and 0 points otherwise.
- Hub citizen folder. 2,44 points if your file manager has integrated it with El meu espai, 0,81 if it has integrated AOC services and 0 points if it has no integration.
- Mailbox Accessibility. 0,81 points if we have it and 0 points otherwise.
- Seal Accessibility. 0,81 points if it has been published on the municipal website and 0 points otherwise.
- Compliment ENI. 2,44 points if the electronic administration platform has an ENI compliance certificate and 0 points otherwise.
- Compliment ENS. 2,44 points if the electronic administration platform has a certificate of compliance with the ENS and 0 points otherwise.
- Regulatory ordinance. 1,63 points if it has been approved by us and 0 points otherwise.
- Vulnerability cyber security. 1,22 points if the indicator is 1 (advanced security performance) and the proportional score otherwise (the relationship between the vulnerability level calculated by the ACC and the value of the indicator in the IMD is as follows : Advanced=1, Intermediate= 0,75, Basic = 0,25).
- Own ENS certificate. 1,22 points if the institution has a certificate of compliance with the ENS and 0 otherwise.
- Data Protection Officer. 0,81 if the us has a data protection delegate and has communicated it to the APDCat and 0 otherwise.
- It represents. 0,81 if the company has a power of attorney register and 0 otherwise.
- Input digitization. 8,10 points if the percentage is 80% and the proportional score otherwise.
- Output digitization. 5,40 points if the percentage is 100% and the proportional score otherwise.
- Signatures - internal. 5,40 points if the ratio is in the highest percentile of the entity's population band and the proportional score otherwise (10 percentiles are established for each population band).
- Open Consultations. 12,60 points if the consultation rate of Via Oberta is in the highest percentile of the entity's population band and the proportional score otherwise (10 percentiles are established for each population band).
- Open Road Services. 5,40 points if the percentage is 100% and the proportional score otherwise.
- E-tenders. 4,05 points if the percentage is 100% and the proportional score otherwise.
- Publications in the Contractor Profile. 2,03 points if the ratio is in the highest percentile of the entity's population band and the proportional score otherwise (3 percentiles are established for each population band).
- Publications in the Register of Contracts. 0,68 points if the ratio is in the highest percentile of the entity's population band and the proportional score otherwise (3 percentiles are established for each population band).
- Automated Administrative Actions. 1,35 points if it has been published by a rule that regulates automated administrative actions and 0 otherwise.
Open Government
- Compliance with transparency. 6,67 points if infoparticipa score is 100% and proportional score otherwise.
- Open Data. 1,67 points if we publish it and 0 points otherwise.
- Citizen participation.1,67 points if more than 7 participatory processes have been carried out, 1 if between 4 and 6 processes have been carried out, 0,5 if between 1 and 3 processes have been carried out and 0 if none have been carried out.
- Transparency portal. 3,33 points if we have it and 0 otherwise.
- Electronic board. 0,83 points if we have it and 0 otherwise.
- Alert channel. 2,50 points if we have it and 0 otherwise.
- Access to public information. 1,67 points if the institution has a specific electronic procedure for requests for access to public information.
- Performance of accounts. 1,67 points if you have submitted your accounts within the established deadline, 0,835 if you have not submitted them, 0,4175 if you have submitted them late and 0 if you have not submitted them.
To develop these indicators and the act of recognition, we count on the collaboration of several institutions. We would like to especially thank the collaboration of:
- The Autonomous University of Barcelona, research group Sound Communication, Strategic and Transparency (ComSET) that coordinates the Infoparticipa label. Data from this indicator have been used in the open government dimension of the digital maturity index.
- The Carles Pi i Sunyer Foundation for their support in the elaboration of the act of delivery of the recognitions.
- The Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia, which calculates the level of cyber security exposure of local authorities.
Do you want to know more?
If you want to know the IMD calculation methodology in more detail, consult the fact sheet The IMD, a key tool for evaluation and continuous improvement published in the AOC Innovation Laboratory.
Go to the Acknowledgments Open Administration