
How to provide citizens with online information about the social resources offered by the different public administrations in a personalized and proactive way.

Current issue

People with social needs go to the Basic Social Services Area closest to their home for information on the help and support that the administration can offer, and they are the professionals who help them who determine the resources that can be provided correspond according to the assessment they make of their personal and socio-economic situation.

Therefore, people go to social services without knowing a priori the help they can have at their disposal, they often have to queue long to be cared for and the information they get is partial as it depends on the own portfolio of resources. management administration.

The difficulty of offering citizens complete and up-to-date information on the range of social resources that may correspond to them lies in the fact that this information is currently disseminated by the different administrations with competences in social services and in which, obviously, the needs of people do not they are the same. That is why it is necessary to design a cross-sectional information system (which informs the citizen of all available aid regardless of the administration that serves it) and personalized (not everyone needs the same). With the automation of information we can add the pro activity of the service (we do not wait for the citizen to ask us).

Proposed solution

We want to build a personalized, proactive and trustworthy information service of the social resources offered by the different public administrations to the people with social needs: the social help recommender.

Citizens with social needs will have an integrated view of all the resources offered by public administrations according to their needs at the specific time of the consultation, and will be able to receive personalized recommendations, via email and mobile notifications.

This service will be offered through the mobile (app), web and from the electronic headquarters of each city council, county council, etc. who wants to participate in the project. The social aid recommender will be developed gradually in 3 phases.

Phase 1: I don't know your situation

The social assistance recommender will consist of an app or website from which the citizen can enter their personal and socio-economic data, anonymously, so that their needs can be identified. Based on your needs, you will place it in one profile prepared by the AOC (population segments with minimally homogeneous needs) with the support of the big data analysis carried out by Bismart for the Regional Council of Vallès Oriental and presented at the MWC on 28/2/2018. And based on this profile you will be recommended a selection of aids from the standard package.

Phase 2: I know your situation

At this stage, the citizen will be spared from entering their personal and socio-economic data if these are interoperable, ie if they can be obtained electronically from the corresponding administrations, with the explicit consent *. This phase will also include access to the citizen folder of the MyGov project (My Space).

Phase 3: Proactive and predictive recommendations

Citizens will have the option to subscribe to the service to receive personalized and proactive messages about social resources that, according to them profile, you may be interested in: electric social bond, dining room grants, employment service offers, etc.

The automation of the information service will allow to reach much more people who at present cannot be attended in person by the professionals of the basic areas of the social services. It will avoid unnecessary displacement of citizens and increase the transparency of the social aid system.

You will find more details in the presentation “MyGov Social: User-Centered Services [MWC 28/2/2018].

Status of the project

  • In production (beta version). Available in the El Meu Espai service, the inter-administrative citizen folder.
  • In the beta version only the aid promoted by the Government of Spain and the Generalitat de Catalunya is contemplated. Municipal grants and other public sector entities will soon be included.

* Some features of the new service will require the explicit consent of the citizen as established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).