- Open Data and Transparency
- Open government
Improvement to the transparency questionnaire of the Síndica de Greuges: users of the AOC transparency portal will no longer need to provide data on visits
Since last June 16, the Network of Transparent Governments of Catalonia (XGT), has changed its name to Network of Open Governments of Catalonia (XGOC). The name change is due to the need for the name to go far beyond transparency (understood as active advertising), and also include the concepts of participation or good governance, concepts that already have associated services such as the Decidim.cat (citizen participation portal), the Ethical Mailbox (channel of alerts or complaints), or the self-assessment service in public integrity (to encourage the evaluation of the system of integrity and the management of the risks of the organizations).
With the signing of the new protocol of the XGOC, the expansion of members with the incorporation of Barcelona City Council, which is added to the whole series of institutions that were already part of it. These are the tasks of the different working groups and the new XGOC protocol.
New XGOC organizational resources available in Municat
So far the XGOC, through the portal MUNICAT – transparency section), offered:
Now, in addition, you can find:
1) A section with practical information about the transparency items and dependent local bodies
Space where local bodies and their dependent bodies will be able to access the documents produced by the XGOC visualization subgroup, which will make it easier for them to comply with the active advertising obligations of the dependent bodies. Specifically it includes:
You can access this new resource associated with "dependent local bodies".
2) Models of administrative documents for the processing of files on the right of access to public information (I KNOW), with a general map of management procedure
In this section, the XGOC has worked in detail on both the diagram of the procedure and the models of administrative documents associated with the SAIP. You can access all of these new resources associated with promoting the "right of access to public information".
In Municat you have the link to one help form which facilitates access to a legal assistance service in matters of transparency, offered by the General Sub-Directorate of Legal Assistance and Innovation in Local Administration of the Department of the Presidency.