The IMD, a key tool for evaluation and continuous improvement

Challenge How can we measure the degree of digital maturity of an organization and a territory so that any administration can accelerate its transformation to improve people's lives? Problem The digital transformation of an organization is a complex process that requires a constant evaluation of the progress made. However, developing an instrument that allows to measure [...]

Improve the experience of the Administration's digital services

Challenge How can we create digital services that are easy and understandable for everyone to use and be a benchmark in the public sector? Problem The AOC offers numerous services that reach both citizens and businesses, as well as public administrations. We often meet, but that these have been created at different times, for different needs and with different priorities, which often do not [...]

Transparency in the use of artificial intelligence algorithms

Challenge How to ensure the responsible, safe and fair use of artificial intelligence algorithms we apply to digital government services and gain user trust Current issue and context Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily life. Governments use it to improve the accessibility and experience of public services, optimize […]

AOC methodology to innovate in digital public services

Challenge How can we formalize the innovation process without falling into bureaucratization or losing the ability to devise and develop new digital public services that provide new solutions with a high value for society. Current problem In the VUCA environment (acronym in English for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) in which we find ourselves immersed, […]

Public Innovation Resources Catalog

Challenge Learning to innovate in digital public services. What methodologies, techniques and dynamics are best suited for public innovation? Current issues Public administration websites now offer long lists of electronic procedures, each of which is a sequence of steps required by the administrative procedure that the citizen must […]

Satisfaction in the use of digital public services

Challenge How can we rigorously measure citizen satisfaction in the use of digital public services. Problem From the AOC Consortium we promote the development of indicators that allow policy makers and public managers to know the social return of digital administration and open government initiatives, and thus systematically and rigorously evaluate their […]

Economic savings through the use of digital administration

Challenge How can we rigorously evaluate the economic and time savings that result from the implementation and use of digital administration? Problem The AOC Consortium promotes the development of indicators that allow for a systematic and rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the digital administration and open government initiatives that are carried out. With these indicators the [...]