We inform you that due to planned technical maintenance tasks between 17:00 p.m. on 5/04/2024 and 07:00 a.m. on 8/04/2024, there is scheduled a stoppage of AOC services.
The details of the services affected (totally or partially), are identified in the section "State services" of our website.
Below we list the actions to take into account related to the services that will be affected by the calculation of deadlines.
EACAT Procedures:
The EACAT environment will not be available, therefore it will not be possible to access or carry out inter-administrative processing through EACAT Tràmits.
We suggest that the promoters of the specific services of inter-administrative processing value the extension of the deadline by the same duration of the intervention, if the submission deadline of any procedure coincides with the intervention's affected times.
Promoters will have to notify us of this extension for those services/procedures affected using the usual channel, the monitoring tool for registration requests and modification of EACAT services
The service ofe-NOTUM it will not be available through the web services, nor through the public employee (EACAT) or citizenship environments.
We suggest that, as far in advance as you deem appropriate and during the affected period, you notify of this technical stoppage to your e-Headquarters, and to your corporate website in similar terms, as well as to all internal users of the tool .
At citizen level, with a minimum of fifteen days before the service cut, a pop-up window will appear with a message automatically when accessing any page of the e-NOTUM. Likewise, we will also incorporate a message in the environment of the public employee (EACAT).
In this sense, from the AOC Consortium, the access period for those electronic notifications in which the access period coincides with the service cut and have not been opened by the recipients will be automatically extended by 4 calendar days. Therefore, automatically, from the AOC Consortium, 4 calendar days will be added to the access period of all notifications that, on April 5, are listed as deposited, so that the recipients have the notification available for their minimum access 10 calendar days. This automatic extension will not apply to notifications made in the area of the Administration of the Generalitat and its public sector, which will be made in accordance with the request of each issuing unit.
The registration of offers in the tools e-Bid (About Digital and Telematics) for the recruitment files of local bodies and universities, will not be available for the duration of the intervention.
Access to the registration or preparation of bids will not be affected, nor will access to the bid opening tool from the direct links to the tools (without prior access to the EACAT).
If the deadline for the submission of offers in any of your procurement files coincides with the service delivery times, you will have to consider extending the deadline for the duration of the intervention.
We suggest that, as far in advance as you deem appropriate and during the affected period, you notify of this technical stoppage to your e-Headquarters, and to your corporate website in similar terms, as well as to all internal users of the tool .
The service ofe-TRAM it will not be available either through the public employee (EACAT) or citizenship environments.
We suggest that, as far in advance as you deem appropriate and during the affected period, you notify of this technical stoppage to your e-Headquarters, and to your corporate website in similar terms, as well as to all internal users of the tool .
At citizen level, with a minimum of fifteen days before the service cut, a pop-up window will appear with a message automatically when accessing any page of the e-TRAM indicating the effect for the indicated date. Likewise, we will also incorporate a message in the environment of the public employee (EACAT).
In any case, remember that if you have any procedure (calls for personnel, presentation of resources, pleadings, etc.), which requires the use of e-TRAM, you must assess, in each case, the extension of the submission deadline by duration of the intervention.
The service ofe-BOARD it will not be available through the web services, nor through the public employee (EACAT) or citizenship environments.
We suggest that, as far in advance as you deem appropriate and during the affected period, you notify of this technical stoppage to your e-Headquarters, and to your corporate website in similar terms, as well as to all internal users of the tool .
At citizen level, with a minimum of fifteen days before the service cut, a pop-up window will appear with a message automatically when accessing any page of the e-TAULER. Likewise, we will also incorporate a message in the environment of the public employee (EACAT).
In any case, remember that if the publication deadline for any of your advertisements coincides with the times when the services are affected by the intervention, you will have to assess, in each case, the extension of the deadline for active advertising of the same by the time duration of the intervention.
Finally, remember that the citizen/business portals contain the notices of service interruptions, as they have also been activated in the internal management environments. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are working to improve the quality of our services.