- Open administration
AOC certifies the security of its services, as a key part of the trust of its users
Within the framework of the assistance service for the digitization of the administrative procedures of local entities, the Diputació de Tarragona is actively promoting the use of interoperability in personnel selection processes in order to obtain the data held by other administrations.
Despite the fact that the law guarantees the right of citizens not to provide data that is already in the possession of the Administration, citizens are often asked to present documents to prove data that councils can consult through the Via Oberta platform, such as now academic degrees or working life.
The Diputació de Tarragona has identified which of the data requested from the participants in the selective processes is available on the Via Oberta platform and provides local entities with support to request access to the consultations and training to carry them out during the processing of the procedure.
This service is documented in theDigiCanvis Observatory as a good practice of local administrations.
The Municipal Coordination and Assistance Area of the Tarragona County Council has carried out a pilot project with the participation of 50 local entities to digitize their selective staff stabilization processes.
In summary, the service consists of:
The service has been available since November 2023. As a result of the project, 23 councils in the province of Tarragona have put Via Oberta consultations into operation for the purpose of selective processes and it has led, for the first time, to the implementation of interoperability services in 15 municipalities.
You can find out the key aspects to take into account to implement this best practice in your personnel selection processes in the fact sheet Use of interoperability in selective stabilization processes.
It collects innovative initiatives and good practices (DigiCanvis) that have been successfully implemented in Catalan councils and that are a source of inspiration for the rest of the bodies.
If you have implemented a successful digital transformation project or have a pilot experience, please share it!