During the month of May, the management tool of the Public Procurement Services Platform incorporated new fields into its forms, with the aim of preparing the publications so that, soon, their data can be sent automatically to the RPC .
These new fields can be filled in manually from the PSCP publication manager itself or reported from the integrated managers (tools owned by the user organizations that report data to the PSCP through the integration method). In this sense, pre-production integration REST services have been added so that integrators can make the corresponding adaptations.
We attach the new version of the integration documentation and a list of the changes applied, so that the corresponding adaptations can be taken into account. The new fields are available in the pre-production environment of the service.
- New field "ampliacioTerminiArt195" in the extensions of the execution phase.
- The field “importgarantiadefinitiva” in the lot data of the tender announcement phase is renamed to “percentageGarantiadefinitiva”
- New "totalOffersReceived" field for the Evaluation, Award and formalization phase
- New field "Types of Supplies" in the basic data and with values according to Master Data "Types of Supplies"
- New Boolean field “methodologiaBim” in the basic data (not mandatory for local bodies)
- New Boolean field "revisioPreus" in the tender announcement, award and formalization phases
- New Boolean field “CountryOriginProduct” in the award and formalization phases and with values according to DadaMestra “Countries”
- New Boolean field “clausulaLinguistica” in the tender announcement, award and formalization phases.
- New Boolean field "ClausulaEtica" in the tender announcement, award and formalization phases.
- New Boolean field "opinions studies" in the tender announcement, award and formalization phases. (not mandatory for local bodies).
- New Boolean field "SocialTechniquesprescriptions" in the tender announcement and award phases.
- New Boolean field "Environmental Technical Prescriptions" in the tender announcement and award phases.
- New Boolean field "Unit price" in the tender announcement, award and formalization phases.
- Modified the entry system of CPVs in the phases Prior announcement, Tender announcement, adjudication and formalization.
- It goes from a list to a single field “main CPV”, which will be mandatory to publish and, an optional list of secondary CPVs. Specifically:
- codiCPVPinal: "String" type field with the complete CPV code.
- Secondary CPV codes: CPV list type field (optional to publish)
- The old CPVs reporting system will be temporarily supported (will be disabled shortly).
- Data offered (evaluation phase) / awarded companies (awarding phase) and contracting companies (formalization phase):
- New field "countries" in the assessment, adjudication and formalization phases.
- New "province" field in the evaluation, adjudication and formalization phases.
- New "municipality" field in the evaluation, adjudication and formalization phases.
- New "noOberta" field in the evaluation phase.
- New field "tercerSector" in the evaluation, adjudication and formalization phases.
- In order to report the data of the companies of the UTES, the "informacioUTE" structure is added:
- Where for each UTES company:
- New "Company name" field in the evaluation, adjudication and adjudication phases.
- New "Company identifier" field in the evaluation and award phases.
- New field "countries" in the assessment, adjudication and formalization phases.
- New "province" field in the assessment, adjudication and formalization phases.
- New "municipality" field in the evaluation, adjudication and formalization phases.
- Added "identifier" field to the extension execution action
- Added "varisTipusIva" field to the extension execution action
- Added "importAmbIva" field to the extension execution action
- Added "identifier" field to the modification execution action
- Added "identifier" field to the execution action other action
- Added "Contract Evaluation report" field to the termination/liquidation execution action. (not mandatory for local bodies)
- New types of master data: RevisionEstablished Prices and Supply Types