- Open administration
12 milestones of the AOC of 2024 to move towards a Digital Country
Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory violations and the fight against corruption, sets the following deadlines for public sector entities (second transitional provision):
a) in general, it is necessary to implement the complaint channel and an internal information system or to adapt it to the provisions of the Law no later than 13 in June of 2023.
It is possible for public sector entities with less than 50 workers turn to the shared management with the administration to which they are attached.
b) in the case of municipalities of less than 10.000 inhabitants, the deadline is1 of December of 2023,
The Ethics Mailbox is the service provided by the AOC to entities, in collaboration with the Network of Open Governments of Catalonia to manage reporting or alert channels. In this sense, the channel is provided to make, anonymously or identified, complaints about, for example, inappropriate behavior, violations of the law or the rules of the organization.
The service provided by the AOC has deployed more than 150 channels at the disposal of applicant entities and attends to new applications daily.
The provision of the same will be carried out at no cost, with training support and complemented with a testing environment thanks to public collaboration.
You can visit, for example, the new website of the service, specific support portal, documentation center which includes the FAQS and the plain of the service-specific testing entity.
To request registration, you will find the procedure in the EACAT procedures, in the provider Consorci AOC, Service CAOC – Request for services, in the Procedure "Request for registration and modification of AOC services" .
The rapid deployment of the Ethics Mailbox has been possible thanks to the excellent work carried out in recent years by theBarcelona City Council in col·laboració amb xnet and the initiative GlobaLeaks which allows us to now have a complete, tested and safe technological solution in free software.
From the AOC Consortium we will reuse this solution to make it available in software as a service (SaaS) mode throughout the local world. In this way, local bodies will not have to worry about the technological, security and protection aspects of this solution. The ethics mailbox is integrated into the catalog of e-TRAM procedures.