- Processing between administrations
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With the aim of improving the services of the unified registration service, and covering the needs that you have reported to us over the last few years, we have developed a version of the service.
The main changes are:
This new version requires you to update the integration with MUX you are currently using, as the current service will eventually be discontinued (deadline date yet to be determined). To retrieve the documents, you will also need to include the integration with SAVE in the project.
So that you can evaluate and schedule this update, we share the necessary documentation to develop the integration (with our accompaniment, obviously).
In addition to the integration document itself, we've also made a reference plugin (it's a simple demo that simulates the registration piece you must have in your band) and a sample Java DESA'L client to consume the download mode
We also share you github link to DESA'L integration documentation (section 6.4 on downloading documents):
We invite you to review all the information and open a ticket with us Support for Integrators with the title MUXv3+DESA'L integration so that we can give you all the support you need.