- Open administration
12 milestones of the AOC of 2024 to move towards a Digital Country
The new version of EACAT, the extranet of the Catalan administrations, is already a reality. It is more usable, simpler and more robust. The migration of inter-administrative procedures will be gradual because there are thousands of them, but you can already see their potential.
The service most used by citizens is the La Meva Salut portal and mobile application. Today you can access it with idCAT Mobile, making it easier and safer, without the need to remember passwords.
We have implemented a leading citizen service chatbot using generative AI in the notification service (e-Notum) and in the registration processes to obtain an idCAT digital certificate or an idCAT Mobile. We do this by guaranteeing ethical and responsible use through an algorithmic transparency report following the recommendations of the European Regulation on artificial intelligence. With this we manage to double the capacity to support citizens (180.000 requests per year) and generate savings of 90% for each query resolved with the chatbot.
Notifications from local administrations have been integrated with the DEHú service of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service. From the state portal you can now see all the notifications from all the administrations. This will make life easier, especially for companies. And, we are working, so that at the beginning of 2025, from e-Notum, the pending notifications available at the DEHú from all organizations outside Catalonia can also be viewed.
By the end of 2024, we have exceeded 2 million digital business operations per day, making life easier for citizens, companies and government staff. This includes identifications, signatures, procedures, notifications, data exchanges, invoices, etc. The Save service already stores more than 250 million documents associated with AOC services. The mobile idCAT has already exceeded 3 million users. The activity of the AOC services grows annually by 15% and has already doubled that of 4 years ago.
The inter-administrative citizen folder is growing in functionality and already allows the download of flyers from the register in more than 100 town halls.
All Catalan administrations offer the digital services that guarantee basic digital rights to citizens: processing, notification, invoices, entry registration, contractor profile, transparency and open data. And, in addition, we accompany them in the change process with support, training, legal advice, best practices, evaluations, etc.
We have improved the user experience to make digital services more intuitive and simple. We make prototypes periodically and validate them with internal and external users. In addition, we have developed design systems for citizens and Administration staff to accelerate deployment in AOC services and have made them public for reuse. Many services already incorporate it: EACAT 3.0, e-Notum, El Meu Espai, e-Tauler, etc.
More than 60% of AOC services are already hosted in advanced Amazon Web Services data centers in Europe. This has allowed us to make a leap in service quality in terms of availability, reduction of incidents, flexibility to changes, scalability to peak demand and cyber security. All key services have already been migrated, with the exception of Via Oberta. In 2024 we migrated the MUX, PSIS, VALid, Portasignatures, eNotum, ERES, iArchive, Copy and Open Data.
We have achieved 3 services with the high level certification of the National Security Scheme (ENS): Save it, Valid and the PSIS Identification and Signature Services Platform. The AOC is the public body of the State with more high-level ENS certifications.
Two services have already obtained the new accessibility certification: the Valid and the e-Notum.
We have encouraged clear communication and plain language to bring the Administration closer to the public. We have invested particularly in citizen services: processing (e-Tram), notifications (e-Notum) and open government. In the Transparency Portals, we have deployed a new set of more comprehensible data visualizations in the areas of public procurement, collaboration agreements and subsidies.
The 12 milestones on display show some of the key aspects of the Catalan model of digital administration, based on shared services, collaboration with other public bodies and support in change management. The result is that the degree of implementation and use of digital services in the local administrations of Catalonia is 70% higher than in the rest of the State, according to a comparison of the digital activity carried out by the AOC from available open data.