- Integration
- Electronic notification
Consult the list of entities that are integrated with Dehú
The current Public Procurement Services Platform (hereafter PSCP), since its implementation in February 2023, allows data to be temporarily reported to the Publications Manager from its own tools (procurement file managers) integrated from the messaging corresponding to the web services of the previous PSCP (old tool available until its renewal). We call this compatibility service with the discontinued webservices backward compatibility service.
This one, as we have already been taking you through previous publications, will be discontinued on 15/05/2024 so that it will only be possible to report data to the PSCP through the mode of integration of third-party tools, through the current web service that allows transfer from the managers of recruitment files to the PSCP Publications Manager, all phases of the file, as well as all the data necessary to reach the publication, so that only access to the tool, by a validator of the contracting body, is needed to carry out the action to publish
The same service also incorporates the tender retrieval operations of the eLicita tools, which although they were already available in the previous services, have been unified with the messaging system used by the PSCP 2.0 (calls REST).
Entities that use this service to report data automatically to the Platform's Publications Manager will have to develop the new integration in order to continue using the service's integration modality from this date. You can consult the new integration documentation through the Github of the AOC Consortium.
To request access to the current PSCP REST service, whether what you need to do is to adapt your managers to the new service, or if you are re-integrating, you must send us the AOC services integration form.