- Processing between administrations
Published subsidies for the operation and activities of the museums of Catalonia
The Department of Equality and Feminism opens the justification period for the reinforcement of the provision of the first reception service provided for in Resolution IFE/4065/2022, of December 23, which authorizes the transfer to certain local bodies to finance the reinforcement of the provision of the first reception service to forcibly displaced persons.
In order to justify the transfer to certain local bodies, which are detailed in Annex 1 of the aforementioned Resolution and as provided for in point 6, the justification phase is opened which will be carried out in one go, between theJanuary 1 and February 28, 2024, in which the application of the transfer will be checked, by means of a certificate from the Comptroller's Office attesting to the appropriate application of the total amount corresponding to the approved transfer.
Likewise, you must take into account and as provided for in the aforementioned point 6, that once this liquidation of the execution has been seen, in the event that the totality of the credits transferred and paid has not been executed, a file will be carried out of repayment of unexecuted credits.
To process go to Procedures, in the Catalog of procedures and, specifically, in the service IFE – Justification of Resolution IFE/4065/2022, of September 23-Reinforcement of the First Reception Service.