Improvements to the graphs of tax rates, debt and PMP of the transparency portal
Improvements have been incorporated in different graphics of the transparency portal that the AOC offers to the local world in collaboration with the Network of Open Governments of Catalonia.
Below are the main improvements made:
Chart of tax rates: if previously the graphic only showed the tax rates for the Impost sobre Béns immobilés (IBI) and the tax on mechanical traction vehicles (IVTM), now it also shows them for the Tax on constructions, installations and works ( ICIO), and on the tax on economic activities (IAE).
Figure 1: example of a resulting graph where the tax to be consulted can be changed, and the tax rates applied in each case are shown.
Debt graph: if before it only showed the total debt, now it also shows the debt per inhabitant and year in a more modern design, and with a more complete data table.
Figure 2: example of a resulting graph of indebtedness, where both total indebtedness and living debt per inhabitant and year are observed.
Comment minor design adjustments have also been made to the graphics of "Average Payment Period to suppliers (PMP)" and the graph of “Effective cost of services", both on data from the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service.
All these changes and evolutions have been applied automatically, replacing the existing graphics with these new ones, with the aim of continuing to improve the existing visualizations, while providing more value to the public. We therefore encourage entities that do not have them active to activate them, to do so you just need to go to the items in question and activate the display of the graphics (marking "Yes") in the option to make them visible.