- Status of AOC services
- Interoperability
The ATEX5 service closes on January 30, 2025
The person in charge of Via Oberta, Gemma Varona, spoke on October 31 at the online seminar “Good practices in Haciendas and Local Finance. Parte I. Taxation” organized by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
The Seminar was aimed at people responsible for the areas of Intervention and Economy of local entities and its objective was to disseminate new and successful initiatives carried out by local entities in tax matters that would serve as a guide for others local entities.
Specifically, the intervention of the AOC took place under the title "Digital platforms in local tax management. The Open Administration of Catalonia". The person in charge of Via Oberta used the idea that the AOC, as was the case with cathedrals, was not built in a single day and that years of legal, technical, organizational and col · laboratory until reaching the current AOC.
In addition to commenting on the good indicators of consumption and savings, as an example of the success of the interoperability model implemented in Catalonia, in relation to the objective of the Seminar, and as a concrete example of the unique task in the State Spanish that the AOC does, explained the work carried out in the transition of the data consumption of the General Directorate of Traffic from ATEX5 to the State Data Intermediation Platform (PID). Thus, the ex officio authorization of sanctioning and tax procedures, sparing local entities this cumbersome task, served to illustrate that the commitment to an interoperability node model also benefits local tax management, whether with respect to sanctioning procedures such as those related to the Mechanical Traction Vehicle Tax.
Finally, the challenges faced by the AOC from the point of view of interoperability were discussed: among others, the legal strengthening of its role as a node, the standardization of procedures and the flexibility of the procedure consumption authorization.
From the link below, you can access the AOC presentation, Interoperability Node.