- Open administration
Agreements of the collegiate bodies of the AOC
The Cotec Foundation for Innovation has published "The reuse of open data”, a study that comprehensively analyzes the open data portals in Spain. The fourth edition of this report, drawn up in collaboration with the company DesideDatum, also analyzes the quality of the data they disseminate, the services offered by the portals and the knowledge of the managers themselves, focusing on the reuse of data to improve the transparency of institutions.
The study analyzed 330 public data portals. More than half do not meet the requirements to be considered useful for citizens (148) or are inactive (33). By territory, it is Catalonia where public bodies best meet the demand for transparency: of the portals that have been considered valid for the study, 39% are from Catalonia.
The role of the Open Administration of Catalonia (AOC) is crucial in the leadership of this ranking because it offers Catalan local bodies a set of common services: transparency portal, open data platform, complaint channel, citizen participation platform and a self-assessment guide for institutional integrity.