- AOC training
- Processing between administrations
More than 2200 people participate in the training sessions of the new EACAT
You already have the webinar video held on June 20 to explain the aggregate publication of contracts.
In the context of analyzing the activity of the basic administration services that are part of the service catalog of the AOC Consortium and as an additional action to boost the use of the Public Procurement Services Platform (hereinafter PSCP), from the Revitalization and Territory Area of the AOC, councils without recent activity on the tool were invited, with the aim of providing training to help them comply with the regulations governing the use of this tool.
In accordance with this regulatory framework, the entities that make up the local Administration of Catalonia, like the rest of the Catalan Public Administrations, must inform the PSCP of the activity related to public procurement in the contractor profiles of their bodies of recruitment This way, it is necessary to give publicity to all phases of tenders and other information related to the contracting process, in the terms described in Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, by which the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23/UE and 2014/ 24/EU, of February 26, 2014. In addition, the aforementioned regulation also establishes, specifying minor contracting, the obligation to publish it, at least quarterly.
The non-publication of the information in the profile of the contractor hosted in the PSCP, it can become a very serious infringement (art. 77.1.a of Law 19/2014) and a cause of full legal nullity of the contracts concluded (art. 39.2.c of the LCSP).
For all of the above and with the desire that all the local administrations of Catalonia comply with the legal obligations, the AOC carried out Thursday 20 in June a short webinar, which incorporated information focused on the publication of minor contracts in the PSCP.
The seminar had an outstanding participation, with a total of 299 attendees, demonstrating great interest on the part of the public sector in this crucial subject. During the session, several important aspects were addressed:
The successful call and the high level of interaction during the seminar demonstrate the need and interest for these specific trainings.
The AOC Consortium continues its commitment to provide support and resources to councils and entities to promote transparency and efficiency in public procurement. We encourage all those interested to visit the section of PSCP from the AOC Campus.