- Open administration
- Innovation
- Citizen services
- Headquarters and Electronic Board
- Electronic processing
The AOC Design System, now available to public administrations
The e-TRAM service was born the year 2004 with the aim of facilitating a technological and management solution so that the administrations could offer free electronic processing services to citizens, to avoid trips to the service offices and to improve the digitization of the administrations. In addition, with a short implementation process and full legal and security guarantees.
Version 2.0 of the e-TRAM is currently available to more than 1000 Catalan public sector entities, with a standard catalog of 60 different forms that will allow citizens and businesses to complete 2023 procedures by 835.000.
La sixty procedures offered by e-TRAM 2.0 they include a procedure sheet that can be customized by the entity and a common form.
We are currently working on processing forms to encourage clear communication and plain language. If we make common forms simpler, more usable and clearer, we will be able to enjoy more effective electronic processing.
Period 2022-2023
The year 2022 was the year of migration of the service to its new version, thee-TRAM 2.0, which ended in January 2023. Since then, we have had a more modern, agile, robust and responsive service.
THEe-TRAM 2.0 offers citizens a simpler, faster and more practical processing model, with all the responsive elements to facilitate the processing from mobile devices.
Image 1: example of screens of the procedures catalog in responsive format.
With e-TRAM 2.0 everything can be done from the mobile through responsive and accessible websites, with a high level of usability. The design follows the creative line of the electronic headquarters and transparency portals and also highlights the fact that it uses the "My space" solution as a citizen folder, an inter-administrative citizen folder with an integrated view of the different administrations.
Where have we promoted plain language and clear communication?
The procedure sheet includes a deployment of the main fields that allows you to quickly move to "action" by means of the "start" button but with the possibility of having a wide sheet fully editable by each entity.
Regarding the forms, the use of redundant data has been minimized, have been incorporated help texts for field interpretation and has been applied all in one responsive environment.
The work for define the procedures most used (generic instance, complaint and suggestion and registration flyers), it has been done with the direct participation of citizens. Based on visits to a citizen service office and on a prototype of the service, the feedback with the citizens who entered or left to process at the town hall to see the reactions, and make improvements to the design. Finally one remains collection environment for improvement proposals, both citizens and administration staff.
The year 2024 has been advanced in new procedures taking into account the principle of close language. A good example is the new procedure for “Communication of bank details to receive payments from the Administration”, which helps us solve a major impact on organizations, the possibility of impersonation fraud. In this case with a very thoughtful design to provide the form with clear communication, from the title to the content of the form fields.
They have also been incorporated adjustments to construction procedures. These are very technical procedures and work is underway to redo them from the point of view of data minimization and understanding. It has also been opened possibility that they can create their own for us forms This element is relevant because it will allow the bring procedures even closer to the needs of citizens, also in aspects of clear communication and plain language.
Over the coming months e-TRAM will continue to improve the procedures available, also at the level of technological architecture, which will allow us to rethink the design model and make it even more adapted to the new AOC services. Everything, accompanied by potential improvements that AI can bring us, along the lines of evaluating the possibility of incorporating search engines (intelligent chatbots), or solutions that can help us make processing more agile.
We hope that with all these planned tasks, the e-TRAM can improve substantially in all aspects associated with usability, accessibility and above all clear communication.