In recent months, a new version of the VÀLid service has been developed in the Amazon Web Services cloud, and currently this new solution (VÀLid2 on AWS) coexists with the current on-premise environment (VALid1).
In this regard, we inform you that VÀLid1 will cease to be operational on October 31, 2024 at 23:59 p.m.. Therefore, it is essential that the applications integrated with it adapt their integration to point to the new VÀLid2 environment.
Both the pre-production (or integration) and production environments will be offered only through AWS starting November 1, 2024.
VÀLid2 integration documentation is available at:
We give you a summary of the changes that this new version of the service incorporates:
- Updating the domain to point to: VALID2 PRE (before; and VALID2 PRO (before
- Modernization of the look&feel, although at a functional level the flows are the same (from obtaining the Authorization_code to the REST method getUserInfo()).
- Sending codes via whatsapp/call: the sending of the single-use code via whatsapp or call is entered, in case the user chooses idCAT Mobile, and has not received the first sending via SMS.
- In the REST request getAuthenticationEvidence, when the user's identification has been with certificate, the XML evidence (both request and response) of user certificate validation is directly the XML request and response from our PSIS platform (it used to be the XML request and response from our PCI platform, and the 'PSIS evidence was returned in the tag ; now directly is the XML that was previously included in this tag).
- Ordinary signature: in the REST request of ordinary signature, in VALID2 the evidence of the ordinary signature is no longer returned in PDF format, only in XML format.
- In the method of ordinary signature in 2 authentication phases, now the second reinforcement phase is a CAPTCHA (in VALid1 it was with SMS or certificate).
- Single Sign On (SSO): in the event that from your application it is possible to jump to other applications also integrated with VÀLid (eg e-NOTUM), you can request that both applications be linked at the configuration level, so that the user does not have to log in again if you jump from one application to another in the same session.
If you need your integration to SSO with some other application, please create a support ticket in the Integrator Support Portal and we will evaluate it together.
If you have any questions, you can contact ours Customer Service Center.