- Open administration
- Open Data and Transparency
The city councils of Catalonia continue to lead the digital transformation in the State
The magazine "El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos" highlighted, in an article published in the March edition, the contribution of the Open Administration of Catalonia (AOC) in the field of transparency and open data aimed at the local world
The article, written by the deputy director of Strategy and Innovation of the AOC, Miquel Estape, and the head of the Open Government service of the AOC, Ferran Farriol, describes the state of implementation of the transparency and open data portal offered by the AOC, its main characteristics and the future challenges that can be seen.
The transparency and open data portal of the AOC is the result of the collaborative work of the Network of Transparent Governments of Catalonia (XGT), which facilitates the provision of a comprehensive service (technological, organizational, legal and support) for help the local bodies of Catalonia to comply with the Transparency Law of Catalonia (LTC).
You can check thearticle on the website of the magazine "El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos".