- Open administration
12 milestones of the AOC of 2024 to move towards a Digital Country
On May 25, Concepción Campos performed the talk entitled "Managing change in hostile land: the difficult path to transforming the administration", in the framework of the information session on the Postgraduate in Electronic Administration and Government Open to the Local World, which will begin its fifth edition this September.
La paper addressed the main difficulties that local entities face in this process of transformation to become XNUMXst century public administrations, innovative, transparent, digital and digitized, whole and focused on people, from the resistance generated by everything transformation process and provided some keys to surviving the obstacle course towards e-government and government open to the local world.
In this sense, the Postgraduate in Electronic Administration and Open Government, which this year 2022-2023, will start its fifth edition, provides the basic tools and knowledge to meet these challenges. You can find more information about its content, recipients, teachers and enrollment in it website.