- Open administration
AOC certifies the security of its services, as a key part of the trust of its users
On May 31, the AOC participated in the EBSI Demo Day, organized by the European Commission, with the aim of showing the operation of 6 experiences of using the EBSI ESSIF self-managed identity model from 10 different countries. .
The emergence of blockchain as a technology has led some international organizations such as W3C and the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), with the support of the most relevant actors in the sector, to be promoting initiatives for the decentralization of identity, working on the creation of 'a self-managed identity model (Self-Sovereign identity - SSI), where the trusted third party ceases to play a key role in the management of personal data, which are kept precisely by the users themselves.
The European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership are creating the foundations to implement it in the different EU member states, both in the public and private sectors, launching the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) network, with the aim of leverage blockchain to accelerate the creation of cross-border services for public administrations and their ecosystems.
During the second semester of 2021, the AOC participated in the Early Adopters program of EBSI, promoting use cases of interoperability of verified credentials of European students to be able to access discounts on public services of Catalan councils , in collaboration with the town councils of Prat de Llobregat, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Tarragona, Valls and Viladecans.
During EBSI Demo Day, the AOC, in collaboration with the University of Howest and the company Validated ID, presented a use case where a student obtains certain discounts on municipal utilities using their digital identity based on your college student card. Despite being a proof of concept, the use case has been developed using the pre-production environments of the VALID and eTram services. The project used the Validated ID VIDchain wallet, which was the first to pass EBSI compliance certification.
In December 2021, the AOC and ValidatedID presented to the European Commission a first pilot, within the framework of the EBSI project, to promote a self-managed European digital identity.
All the presentations of the session can be accessed on the EBSI website.