- Open administration
Sant Quirze del Vallès allows online consultations of electoral months: DigiCanvis
The BOE of September 11, 2020 has published theAgreement to Repeal Royal Decree-Law 27/2020, of 4 August, on financial measures, of an extraordinary and urgent nature, applicable to local entities.
This agreement establishes, therefore, that the full implementation of the obligations of electronic administration introduced by Law 39/2015, of 1 October, will be required again from 2 October 2020.
The Royal Decree-Law that has been repealed, extended until April 2, 2021 the entry into force of the full implementation of the obligations of electronic administration introduced by Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations, which mainly affects the electronic register of powers of attorney, the register of qualified public employees, the electronic general access point (PAGE) and the electronic single file.