Closing 2015. Summary comment on the indicators of AOC services
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2015 has been a year in which the AOC services have continued to grow both in volume of users and in their uses. In addition, the availability rates have remained largely above the optimum values. From the link below, you can access the 2015 AOC service indicators summary document.
The main aspects to highlight are:
Inter-administrative procedures
A total of 24.825 users and 2.214 Catalans are willing to send or receive paperwork electronically. During 2015, 490.177 formalities were sent, an increase of 21% over the previous year. The main users were, in this order, the Department of Territory and Sustainability, the Department of Governance and Institutional Relations, the Catalan Ombudsman, the AOC Consortium and the Diputación de Girona. On the other hand, the most commonly used submissions are the "Submission of information, writings and documents" and the "Communication of burning rural agents" of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Rural Environment.
Via Abierta
In 2015, 502 public entities were able to access data and documents from other administrations; of these, 406 are town councils. Total data and document consumption was 19.276.370, exceeding 4 consumption by more than 5 million.
The most consulted services have been, in the first place, the large family title, the income data of the AEAT, the public social benefits of the INSS, the data of the municipal registers of inhabitants and the Register of Vehicles and Drivers. of the DGT. For its part, the main consumer has been the Generalitat de Catalunya with more than nine million inquiries. Then we find the Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council and the ORGT of the Barcelona Provincial Council. Regarding the purposes of consultation, it should be noted that more than 45% have been for "grants, subsidies and scholarships."
880 Catalan public bodies are using this service to receive electronic procedures from citizens and companies, 826 of which are town councils and 40, county councils. The number of procedures carried out during 2015 has exceeded 41 thousand, more than 4.000 more procedures than those carried out in 2014. The main recipients have been the municipalities of Molins de Rei, Vallirana and Palau-solità and Plegamans. The most used procedure has been the generic instance.
At the end of 2015, 546 Catalan public entities are in a position to notify by electronic means with this service. The number of notifications sent during this period was 313.044, also exceeding the total volume of 2014 by more than 52 thousand. The most massive users were the Government of Catalonia (especially the Department of Economy and Knowledge and the Catalan Traffic Service), the Barcelona City Council and the ORGT of the Diputació de Barcelona. Also noteworthy is the use made by a City Council, that of Castelló d'Empúries, which sent 3.359.
The entry into force on January 15, 2015 of the obligation for companies to electronically send invoices to administrations, logically triggered the number of requests for the service. With more than 1.000 members this year, there are a total of 1.530 entities that benefit from the benefits of the service. This increase in users has also had an impact on the huge increase in the number of invoices received by the administrations, which in 2015 increased to 1.787.004, that is, more than 1,6 million more bills with respect to the previous year. The most important recipients have been the Catalan Health Institute, the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the Mar Parc de Salut Consortium of Barcelona, the Parc Taulí Health Corporation Consortium of Sabadell and the Terrassa Integral Health Consortium.
This year, the list of companies and platforms that send the most invoices has been included in the report. At the corporate front, Endesa is the leader, followed by Gas Natural, Telefonica and Aigües de Barcelona. In terms of platforms, Edicom, AOC Hub, Seres, Endesa and Invinet occupy the first places.
During 2015, more than 100 entities were added to the Contractor Profile offered by the AOC Consortium and currently there are 873. In this sense, 1.153 electronic tenders and more than twenty e-auctions have been made.
e-Panel and SE-e
With regard to new e-Dashboard users, there was a sharp increase in 2015, reaching 600 at the end of the year. The most active when uploading documents are the Generalitat de Catalunya and councils of Badalona, Girona, Terrassa and Reus. In addition, the overall number of documents in the various e-boards was 27.643, nine thousand more than in 2014.
SEU-e has also increased significantly. Currently 600 public bodies use them; those that receive more visits are those of the city councils of Igualada, Sant Just Desvern and Salt.
The data mentioned are from version 1.0 of the SEU-e service. Throughout 2016, data for version 2.0 will also be added. The AOC Consortium now offers the functionalities and solutions of the SEU-e service in conjunction with the new Transparency service (root of Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance). SEU-e 1.0 users have the opportunity to go to version 2.0 (which includes the Transparency service) by consulting the Transparency service support portal, section “SEU-e 2.0”.
Document management e
A total of 107 public entities have used iArxiu and have deposited more than 65.661 e-documents. As in 2014, the most active entities were the Department of Economy and Knowledge, the Manlleu City Council and the Baix Penedès County Council.
For their part, 62 have used us DESA'L during 2015. These include the ORGT of the Diputació de Barcelona, the Catalan Ombudsman, the City Council of Sant Fruitós del Bages and the Catalan Ombudsman.
178 applications from Catalan entities have validated digital certificates and electronic signatures with the tool offered by the AOC Consortium. Its consumption has continued to increase in 2015 with more than 38,3 million validations and more than 24,8 time stamps.
During 2015, 33.497 idCATs were issued. The main issuers have been the Department of Labor (83% of the total), Barcelona City Council and the AOC Consortium.
As for T-CATs, 24.012 were issued. The main broadcasters have been ADIGSA, the Department of Justice and the University of Barcelona.
In 2015 the data from the electronic baggage service (e-Bag), which allows you to send and register documents in electronic format, electronically and instantly.
There were a total of 53.159 procedures and the most active departments were Education (almost 36% of the total), Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food and Governance and Institutional Relations.
Also this year 2015 has been incorporated the Hestia service, which allows you to handle much of the subject matter from the basic social services areas.
Of the 104 social services areas in Catalonia, 75 use the Héstia service (72%).