- Open administration
AOC certifies the security of its services, as a key part of the trust of its users
Since the entry into force on August 13 of Law 16/2015, on the simplification of the administrative activity of the Administration of the Generalitat and local governments of Catalonia and on the promotion of economic activity, the AOC Consortium has offered the local world all the necessary elements for a City Council to meet all the requirements for becoming a FUE through the FUE Local service and e-TRAM.
Specifically, last September we started work offering the automation of Declaration responsible for opening, Prior notification of opening and Prior report of fires, making them available to the citizens in the catalog of procedures (e-TRAM) of each city council.
This past February saw the launch of the second phase of the work, which has consisted of the automation of six new FUE procedures in the e-TRAM catalog of each city council, as well as the incorporation of links to "Company Channel ” I la "Guided search of formalities ” through banners. The connection of these procedures to the one has also been resolved "Guided search of formalities ” offered by Canal Empresa.
All in all today 787 Catalan city councils already comply to the basic requirements associated with the Law of simplification to become FUE, and there are 19 more in the advanced phase of the works.
At the same time, the service has also been complemented with a series of resources such as technical guides with modeling of procedures, or technical tables classification specifics.
In relation to the activity classification table, -another of the key resources offered by the FUE Local service-, we would like to inform you that to date the latest version of the table has been published on Canal Empresa with the corrections in the following sections (see page 29):
1) Clarification of municipal procedures related to activities that are classified by sectoral regulations or that require a prior fire report.
2) Clarification on 20-seat hotels and their classification.
For the Local Administrations that in your municipal information spaces link to the table of activities, we recommend that you link it to the link attached, because in this way, you will always be offering the latest version of the table of classification and therefore the information will be the same as that which is posted on Canal Empresa.
Below we show also one map with the current deployment status of the FUE Local service in the territory:
If your town hall is not yet FUE, at next link we explain in detail how you can be.
If, on the other hand, you see on the map that your town hall appears to be active but in practice you see that the paperwork does not appear on the web, this is probably because you are using a different description page in the e-TRAM catalog by default. In this case you will need to enter the general e-TRAM catalog of your organization, and copy the description and / or links of the forms and adapt your web / electronic office. For more information on this topic or other issues associated with the operation of the e-TRAM, please visit the Service Support Portal for more information.