They are made available on Wednesday, May 6th two new features of the e-BOARD service:
1. Optional attachment to the announcements or editions of complementary or accessory information files, in any format, as many as you like and with a limit of 20 MB per file.
2. Optional notice of exit of electronic headquarters visible in the citizen portal in case the URLs of the external references lead to external domains not included in the electronic headquarters.
Likewise, in a way closely associated with the e-TAULER, the Submission of Edicts, until now restricted to the entities adhered to this service, is enabled in all the City councils, County Councils, Delegations, Departments of the Generalitat and others. This submission will allow the sending and receiving of announcements and edicts that will have to be managed in different ways depending on whether the receiving entity is a user of the e-BOARD, another electronic board or has only one board physical.
For more information on this you can consult the following link on Submission of Edicts
If you have any questions, you can visit the e-BOARD support portal