- Integration
- Electronic notification
Prepare the e-NOTUM service for its migration to the AWS cloud
Due to a modification of the MUX-specific data schemas, all MUX integrators are required to review their integrations.
The changes that have been made to the existing schemes are as follows (you can request them at support.integracio@aoc.cat):
The VATNumber and GUID fields are moved from an application of the AOC Consortium to both the EACAT, ERES, SARCAT and unified registers. Therefore it is important that the entities that have a unified registry update the service.
The rest of the fields are not being submitted by the AOC Consortium applications yet, but they can still be included in your applications so that when the integrators are updated, you will have work done.
Only the request scheme has been changed and you need to request it at to get the new scheme support.integracio@aoc.cat