The second edition of the course "How to share data between administrations: interoperability" took place on 6 July at the School of Public Administration of Catalonia.
It involved local government staff who are involved in processes related to the adaptation of their organization to the concept of e-government, in particular with an interest in knowing and using Via Abierta, the services of the AOC Consortium that allow the exchange of information by electronic means between public administrations in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness and, at the same time, to respond to the citizen's right established in article 6.2b) of Law 11/2007 on electronic access of citizens to public services and Article 25.4 of Law 26/2010 on the legal and procedural regime of the public administrations of Catalonia.
It was a fluid and fruitful working session, which allowed us to explore the difficulties that the processing administration may encounter when it decides to replace the documentary contribution by the interested party with the telematic exchange of data between administrations; emphasizing aspects of regulatory and organizational adequacy rather than from a technical point of view.
In the end one was worked out list of the benefits of using the Via Oberta services both to the administration issuing data and certificates, as well as to the requesting administration and the citizen. You can view it by clicking on the image that accompanies this post.