- Open administration
The use of digital services grows by 28%: AOC 2024 balance sheet
The Consorci Administració Oberta Electrònica de Catalunya (AOC Consortium) has this year exceeded its forecasts for the online consultation service for flyers from the Municipal Register of Inhabitants. Specifically, the figure of 4.642.613 inhabitants covered by this service has been reached as its councils have connected the computer systems that manage the registers. This service allows the online telematic consultation of flyers of the municipal register of inhabitants by a public administration in the framework of a procedure that requires the accreditation of the domicile of residence (what appears in the register).
This service is always carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law for the Protection of Personal Data. This figure means that about 70% of the Catalan population (specifically 66,37%) is connected to the electronic register. Thus, 523 town councils are integrated into the service, 31 directly and the rest through their provincial councils. Specifically, 80% of the municipalities with more than 50.000 inhabitants are connected to the electronic register.
As a significant figure, it should be noted that the number of flyers that the system has managed this first year in which it has entered service has been 23.574.
The other scenario that contemplates this service of telematic expedition of flyers of the register is the communication of address. This service allows the citizen to make a telematic communication of the data of his domicile of residence (what appears in the municipal register of inhabitants) to public administrations, of course also with respect to the legislation of protection of data. Currently more than 30% of the Catalan population has a change of address service available in their town councils.
With the collaboration agreement for the launch of the change of address communication service, signed last October at the Palau de la Generalitat, the AOC Consortium is entrusted with the provision of this service to public administrations. This agreement is in the field of promotion, development and implementation of online electronic services, to make e-government a reality for the benefit of citizens.
Thus, the processing of change of address will be done electronically and, with a single management, will be they will update the databases of the administrations to which the change is addressed and, where applicable, the relevant processing will be initiated and, where applicable, the renewal of those personal documents that must be updated in accordance with the regulations.
The Collaboration Agreement provides for service letters that contain a detailed description of the commitments of the signatory parties and the necessary information for citizens using the services. The entities receiving this communication are currently the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) of the General State Administration and the Catalan Health Service (CatSalut) of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
For example, with respect to the CatHealth, the effects of the communication are the updating of the address for future communications (renewal of the health card, health campaigns, etc.), the review of the application for the purposes of recognizing or not the right to recognized health coverage by CatSalut and, if applicable, the assignment of the Primary Care Center (CAP) to the applicant and to the minors who live with them according to the new address of the municipal register of inhabitants. The assignment of the CAP and the communication of personal data to CatSalut will be made within a maximum period of two days from the communication of the address.
Another example of the usefulness of this service is that the AEAT will update the data of the tax address for the applicant, sending him the future communications that he makes (tax data, draft income tax return, identification labels, etc.).
This signing of an agreement will allow to deepen the work of the working groups that exist with the General State Administration in order to soon add to the communication of change of address to the General Directorate of Police, the General Treasury of the Social Security and the General Directorate of Traffic.
The service has been technologically developed by AOC Consortium, which is responsible for its provision in the field of Catalonia. Adherence to the service by the councils is also being made expressly through agreements with the AOC Consortium.
A total of 34.274 change of address communications have currently been made. Today, a citizen can now communicate the change of address at the Citizen Service Offices of the city councils of Barcelona, Terrassa, Sant Cugat, Badalona and Sant Feliu de Llobregat. Other Catalan councils (such as Sabadell, Mataró, Lleida) are currently in a trial period to join the aforementioned. All those receiving entities that wish to do so will also be able to join.